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Too Much Email?

          Do we receive too much email? According to a recent survey; if you ask first, the answer is, ‘no.” Permission marketing works and recipients appreciate receiving your emails if you ask first.
           In an October survey of 1,517 respondents, Epsilon and ROI Research found that 84 percent said they enjoy receiving email from the companies they’ve chosen to give their information to. Even if they don’t always read every message, the respondents said they just like knowing the email is there if they want it.
          Fifty-seven percent of respondents said their impression of a company improves when they get a message, and a full 50 percent said getting permission-based email makes them more likely to buy from that company in the future.
          Your customers and prospects are noticing emails that benefit them in running their businesses. While they may not be ready to advertise immediately, the survey found that 71 percent of recipients recall an e-mail they received when they are ready to purchase.
          Our SoundADvice is the perfect radio e-marketing system, keeping you front and center with your clients and prospects every week, with helpful tips to grow their business